5 Inspiring Lead Generation Examples You Can Learn From
There’s no shortage of lead generation examples available online that promise to take your business to new heights. But how do you adapt what others are doing and make it work for your situation?
In the following article, we’ll be discussing some simple but effective strategies to inspire you. Best of all, they’re incredibly flexible. (Thus, easy for you to incorporate into your current day-to-day.)
1. Connect with Real People from the Companies You Love
One of the best lead generation ideas we’ve found: focus on companies you love. More specifically, target the individuals already working for them. How can this be helpful?
Usually, these are highly-talented individuals with their own ambitions. The Googles and Amazons of the world wanted them because these candidates thought outside the box and had entrepreneurial ambitions of their own. And where there’s a spirit of entrepreneurship, there’s a lead looking to hire someone with your particular skill set.
Pro tip: look up a company you love on LinkedIn. Find the link telling you how many employees working for that company are active on the site. Study profiles until you connect with someone, build a short but tailored pitch and message them privately.
2. Skim Top Competitors with a Local Eye
Great content creates hot leads. Start investing more time in your content strategy. Examine what top competitors are doing.
Do a geo-search for your keywords in another local market. Visit blogs and websites that come up first and see if you can’t craft an original spin on some of their more popular topics.
But remember: you’re after lead generation ideas, not content you can rip off. If you can’t be original, then you have a lot of craft-honing to do.
3. Take Your Audience to School
Anyone can throw 500 or 1,000 words into a blog post. Don’t settle for that.
Instead, add real value to the consumer’s life. Then, think of the best ways to package that knowledge to keep them engaged.
Many thought leaders have moved away from regular blog schedules and are instead creating dense, engaging courses that solve crucial problems for the consumer.
Social media is a great vehicle for delivery. In fact, one seminar marketing campaign was able to pull down over 1,300 signups from a six-week Facebook campaign. But the content has to be first.
4. Reconnect
When generating sales leads, ideas should also include your old contacts. It’s easy to lose touch with them given the pace of life. But they get that as much as you do.
There’s no harm in sending a “touching base” email just to heat them back up as a prospect. Even if they’re not ready to do business directly, they’ll be so flattered you thought of them that it could lead to a nice referral.
5. Take an Active Role in Your Content
If you really need leads, don’t farm out your content creation to a non-expert. No one knows your business like you. So demonstrate it!
You can do it by taking an active role in the ideation. You also want to offer editorial oversight to any outside help if you don’t have the time to create the content yourself.
These Lead Generation Examples Work
We’ve tried a ton of lead generation examples over the years to varying effect. But nothing works quite as well as the ones we’ve shared above.
They’re flexible. They’re timeless. And they put the emphasis on creating value and embracing the passion of your expertise.
Thank you for reading. And make sure you check out these low-cost marketing and advertising ideas when you’re ready to expand your reach.