5 Genius Drug Users That Gave the World Incredible Art While Addicted
Did you know that as many as 1 in 7 Americans struggle with some form of addiction?
We’ve all learned about the dangers of drugs and alcohol in school. The long-term effects of addiction are killer.
However, some of our most beloved icons produced their best work under the influence. If you’re curious to learn more about who these celebrities are, this article will introduce you to the five most genius drug addicts.
1. Stephen King Is One of the Most Famous Drug Users
You have to live under a rock to not know who Stephen King is. He’s written dozens of books that have been distributed over 350 million times worldwide. Even if you’re not an avid reader, chances are high that you’ve seen a film that’s been adapted from his writing.
There’s a reason why artists and drugs are mentioned in the same breath so often. Stephen King accredits his widespread success to his excessive drug use. At his worst, King used tobacco, marijuana, alcohol, valium, Xanax, cocaine, and even NyQuil.
Thankfully, his loved ones helped him get sober before any life-threatening incidents could occur. Learning about the warning signs of addiction could help us save more lives like King.
2. Genius Alcoholics: Vincent van Gogh
Vincent van Gogh is one of the most famous artists who also happens to have a fascinating yet tragic life story. One large chapter of his life involves his alcohol addiction.
Many of his revered paintings were composed while drunk. Van Gogh claimed in letters written to his brother that his drinking problems stifled his artistic abilities. What do you think his work would look like if he painted sober?
3. Famous Cocaine Addicts: David Bowie
There’s no denying that David Bowie is a legend whose work will be cherished for many generations to come. What you may not know is that Bowie struggled with a cocaine addiction.
In the biography Strange Fascination: David Bowie: The Definitive Story, Bowie said his diet in 1976 consisted of milk, peppers, and cocaine. If you listen to his album Station to Station, which was released at the peak of his addiction, you’ll notice how jumpy and high-energy it feels.
4. Unsurprising Genius Drug Addicts: John Lennon Smoked Marijuana
John Lennon’s music is synonymous with world peace. It’s no wonder why he was able to create such happy, mellow music with the help of weed. Lennon was such a big fan that he was even arrested for possession with his wife Yoko.
Another famous celebrity known for inspiring peace was Bob Marley, who also smoked a lot of marijuana. Although you can have too much of a good thing, marijuana in small doses has been proven to have tons of medicinal properties. Perhaps these musical geniuses were onto something brilliant.
5. Sigmund Freud Is One of the Most Startling Famous Cocaine Users
When you think of Freud, the first thing that pops into your head is probably his work on psychology. Although modern science has poked some holes in his theories, the man is still called the father of psychoanalysis.
Isn’t it strange to learn that a man who spent his entire life studying the mind also took mind-altering drugs? As it turns out, Freud thought cocaine could cure all kinds of ailments. He used it to treat his depression and headaches so he could write his best theories.
Want to Know More Cool Facts?
Which of these five genius drug addicts is your favorite? Can you think of others to add to this list?
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