5 Company Intranet Ideas That Your Employees Will Love
The American workforce is largely disengaged. As many as 70% of American workers aren’t giving their best to their companies. Employees have increasingly divided interests and resent feeling overworked.
Studies show that employees with strong social interactions are more productive. In fact, social technologies can increase productivity by more than 20%.
But how do you make an intranet for your employees that they’ll look forward to using? Read on for five company intranet ideas that do just that.
1. Make it Personal
Employees will make a stronger connection to a business intranet that’s personalized for the company. Give it a name, and set the color scheme to something that makes sense for your brand identity.
Keep the vibe from going stale by freshening the design every now and then. Think of how amusing a new Google doodle is. It’s a simple boost, but it makes for an immediately positive interaction.
Make seasonal changes. Play up holiday spirit with Valentine and Christmas colors and sentimental banner imagery.
2. Create Content
Keep people coming back by giving them something to come back for. Create unique content for your internal company website.
Link to articles with industry information. Use your own expertise to write monthly articles. Keep it casual but informative.
Do a weekly roundup. Include funny work memes, pertinent news, and local events. Post a lunch schedule with pictures to break up a potential wall of text.
Human interest pieces are interesting to humans. Interview your employees and let them tell their stories. Company intranet is about developing community.
3. Shout Outs
Make your employees feel valued by giving public shout outs for good work. It’s amazing how far a public high-five can go.
Whether it’s professional or personal, make a big deal over accomplishments. Maybe someone was recently published in a journal or periodical. Maybe someone won a chili competition.
Words of affirmation are motivating.
4. Job Opportunities
Since the intranet is for employees, use it to help your employees move up in their careers. Post job opportunities internally first to give deference to your loyal staff.
Hiring from within saves you time and money. And it’s good to feel like everyone’s on the same team.
5. Training and Resources
The most practical intranet idea is making it a portal for training and job resources. Having it all in one place takes the guesswork out of company practices and expectations.
Catalog your training media and tutorials so employees have easy access whenever they need a refresh. Upload your company handbook and FAQ so people can search for answers at the touch of a button.
If you need help building a robust network, you can outsource your intranet development to streamline the entire process.
Increase Employee Involvement with These Company Intranet Ideas
Your internal network can be a vibrant hub for employee relations. Keep employees engaged by implementing easy but effective company intranet ideas. Personality, original content, and a focus on employee needs will make things more interesting.
Do you need help getting your intranet column started? Check out our writing articles for ideas, tips, and tricks for overcoming writer’s block.