5 Common Kitchen Renovation Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Kitchens are often one of the most common home remodeling projects out there. You spend a lot of time in the space, so people want to invest in making it the best they can. That’s why they make up 23% of all remodeling projects.
With how much it costs for a kitchen renovation project, you don’t want to spend a ton of money and not do the job right. Below are five of the most common kitchen renovation mistakes to avoid.
1. Not Planning
It’s easy to change up your kitchen on a whim. You see something cool and think it will work great. However, it’s hard to understand how something will really work without a plan.
Be sure to take time to plan out your entire kitchen. Don’t just do things in batches. Plan your renovation from start to finish to ensure you have every detail right.
2. Not Budgeting
Renovating a kitchen is expensive. You have flooring, appliances, cabinetry, and much more. Those costs can add up if you don’t carefully plan your budget.
Create your kitchen renovation budget before you start looking for supplies. From there, you can focus on products that match your budget and won’t break the bank.
3. Sticking With Normal
Yes, you can create a great kitchen by doing what works. However, if you want a kitchen you enjoy being in, it pays to look at other options to see what’s available to you.
For instance, you can buy stainless steel laminate here for backsplashes and floors and look for unique cabinets that stand out. It also pays to look at design websites and renovation videos to see what other people do to their kitchens.
4. Skimping on Storage
The best kitchen layout out there isn’t worth much if you don’t have enough room to store your kitchen items. You’ll have a great layout, kitchen island, and every appliance you need. However, you’ll have stuff lying out everywhere if you don’t have enough cabinet space for storage.
Be sure to plan your storage carefully to avoid this problem. Determine how much stuff you need and what storage you need to keep everything out of site.
5. Sacrificing Counter Space
Just like storage is something you shouldn’t underestimate, the same is true for counter space. Some people may be able to get by with a small counter without much room. But if you spend a lot of time in the kitchen, you may need more.
Think about your current kitchen use and how much counter space makes sense. From there, you can devise solutions to ensure you never run out of space.
Avoid Common Kitchen Renovation Mistakes
It takes a lot of work to create an effective kitchen. You need the right appliances, a great layout, and enough storage to hold all your stuff. If you don’t do things right, you’ll end up with a mess that doesn’t work for your needs.
But there are many common kitchen renovation mistakes you can avoid to help build a great kitchen. Remember the mistakes above to improve the quality of your new kitchen.
Check out the blog for more home improvement tips that will help you create an amazing place to live.