5 Benefits of Social Media Marketing
There are over 3 billion people with social media accounts worldwide. With numbers that massive, it is impossible to ignore the role that social media plays in our lives. If you run a business today and your company is not on social media, you need to get on it immediately.
Still not convinced? Read on, and we will show you the biggest benefits of social media marketing.
1. Increase Brand Recognition
If nothing else, the benefits of social media marketing allow you to get your company’s name out there. As your brand becomes more recognizable and more popular, it will be seen as more trustworthy and will stick in people’s minds for longer periods of time.
By using tools like hashtags, you can make sure that your posts will be filtered into like-minded timelines and news feeds. This can help you reach a more specific demographic simply by using the right keywords.
On Twitter, you can check out the trending bar to see what people are talking about. This lets you know what is popular at the moment and you can use these trending tags to reach even more people. By having a presence on multiple networks (you should be on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram at a minimum), even apathetic social media users will start to recognize your brand.
All companies can benefit from increased brand recognition on social media. Whether you are a global, corporate juggernaut like Coca-Cola or this trusted company operating out of Palm Harbor, FL, social media can be a boon for your business.
2. More Chances for Conversion
At its essence, the point of all marketing is conversion. Conversion is when someone who is exposed to your marketing message performs the desired action, usually making a purchase.
And every post that your social media team makes is an opportunity for a customer to convert. Social media makes it very easy for users to react to posts. With just a tap of the finger or click of a key, users can like, comment, or repost your message. With each reaction comes a new opportunity for someone to visit your site which only increases your chances for conversion.
Obviously, not every reaction is going to lead to conversion. But as you rack up positive reactions, you are setting yourself up for a possible conversion windfall later on down the line.
Social media also increases your chances of conversion because it has the opportunity to humanize your company. Unlike other forms of marketing, social media marketing allows businesses to directly interact with customers and also make posts as a regular person would.
Customers more often than not respond positively to this. The most popular and viral corporate tweets and posts tend to not sound very corporate at all.
3. Lower Marketing Costs
According to a recent survey, over 84% of social marketers found that they experienced increased traffic when they put in as little as six hours of effort per week. That’s less than one hour per day. This statistic speaks to the power of a good social media strategy and emphasizes the old adage – work smart, not hard.
By putting in only one hour per day, you can experience some, if not dramatic, increases in your traffic. Start small and see what does and doesn’t work as you hone your social voice.
4. Target Specific Demographics with Facebook Ads
Facebook advertisements are among the most seen content on the internet right now. The beauty of Facebook Ads is that you have the option to filter who will see your ads based on information such as interests, age, relationship status, and more.
Plus, when you use Facebook Pixel, you are able to track all of the users who come to your site via your Facebook Ads. This, in turn, allows you to make custom ad campaigns specifically targeted to those who have already visited your site.
5. More Personal Customer Experience
Nowadays, people love getting notifications on their social media accounts. When someone reacts positively to your social media post, consider giving them a mention. This will make the user feel special and foster a stronger relationship between them and your brand.
Also, if a customer complains about your service or product on social media, take proactive measures. Reach out to that person either publicly or through private messaging and get to the bottom of the issue. By apologizing publicly, people who see the disparaging post are reminded that there is a human behind your social media team and that you care about your service and your customers.
People today don’t just want to buy from brands with quality products. They also want a brand that is going to treat their customers with respect. You want as little enemies as possible on social media. No company enjoys having their timeline clogged up with disparaging remarks from upset customers.
Reaping the Benefits of Social Media Marketing for Your Business
After looking at the benefits of social media marketing listed above, it is easy to see just how great this medium can be. As you start to dip your toes into the world of social media, remember to always be honest and treat your customers with respect.
Try to start out small and just have a presence on the major social media platforms. After you get the hang of it, consider branching out and getting creative on the smaller and more niche sites.
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