4 Marketing Tips For Startups
Originally posted on https://millennialmagazine.com/2019/08/08/4-marketing-tips-for-startups/
If you’re looking to be a part of the startup revolution, along with developing an idea for your own business, you are going to need to develop your marketing strategy. The very best of business ideas can still fail to make a splash if there is no marketing in place to get it known, to get it out there. Which is why today we are sharing with you four marketing tips for startups, tips sure to put your business on the map.
It really does not matter what your business is, what industry it is in, it will need a marketing strategy. Whether it be targeted marketing for doctors or content marketing for an online store, each approach needs to be specific to that business and tailored to suit its customers and potential customers. As such, your first step is going to be exploring your marketing options before devising your own strategy.
Develop a marketing strategy
You are going to need to develop your own strategy at the outset. To begin with this, you need to be clear on who you are targeting and the brand messages that you want them to receive.
You might like to soft launch and then work on a variety of marketing methods to see which ones seem to bring the most benefits. It might be flyers in windows and through doors, it could be local newspaper and website ads, it might be glossy magazine advertisements, it might be targeted special offers, it might be a social media campaign, the list can go on and on.
When you start your business, take a look at what others are doing in your niche and learn from them. You might see something and want to try it, you might see something and it teaches you never to try it! Tried and tested methods are likely to form the core of your marketing strategy, but do not be afraid to try original and quirky ideas and campaigns from time to time as these can help you to stand out.
Build relationships with your customers
You are seeking to attract new customers, but you also want to look after and serve your existing customer base. As such, try to find ways to stay in touch with them. It might be email marketing, newsletter sign ups, social media or blogs sharing what you are up to. Help them to feel a part of your journey, feel important to your business.
This is also where the very best form of marketing comes into play, and even better, it won’t cost you a penny. Word of mouth. People trust people and often seek recommendations before trying a new service or committing to purchasing. By building real relationships with your own customers, through making genuine connections, taking an interest in them and delivering a flawless service to them, you are building customer loyalty. They will become repeat customers and they will tell others about you. You will have online recommendations and people passing your details to their friends, something that every brand wants to achieve.
Social media is free, use it
Though there are plenty of ways to throw money at social media marketing, at its very core, it is free to use so it makes sense to take advantage of that.
It is worth selecting just two of three social media platforms to use initially, as you need them to be regularly updated and engaging with customers. Attempting to take too many on all at once can mean that you are unable to keep them fresh and you will then fail to give the right impression about your business.
Any and all social media shares and comments should remain on brand. These can often form the face and voice of your business so ensure you are friendly and professional and seek to convey your key messages. Do share relevant content from elsewhere, it need not all be your own business information, as long as it relates and is relevant to what you do and your audience. Keep it upbeat, informative and fun.
Hire an expert
If you really do not have the know how, the time or the motivation to invest time in your marketing, then it is worth looking to hire an expert.
As with all things these days, this need not be a case of bringing someone into your team exclusively to do this. You might already have someone who can add this string to their bow or it might be worth looking into hiring a virtual assistant to fulfill these roles for you. Alternatively, use a marketing company and get all of this work completely outsourced. You can then be confident that you have experts on board whilst you concentrate on other aspects of your business.