1970’s Brain Hacking Superpower Technique (NLP Hero Review)
Photo by David Cassolato
Originally Posted On: https://www.thelawofattraction.com/brain-hacking/
Have you ever wondered if brain hacking is possible? Do you ever feel old memories and thought patterns hold you back from being your best? What if you could erase negative thoughts, and completely change your way of thinking? Scientific studies show that the human brain has more capacity than we realize – but what if we could tap into that with brain hacking techniques? How do we utilize this?
The 1970s were a hugely transformative time in American culture. Major transformation occurred in civil liberties, social reform, popular culture, and the arts. There was also a rapid transformation in education, and the study of the mind. Specifically, how the mind and untapped brain power can be leveraged to achieve more in life.
Brain hacking is real, and it’s a technique that can completely transform your life.
In this article, we are going to look at how brain hacking can be used to reprogram your mind in different ways for thinking about wealth, happiness, abundance, and limiting behaviors that do not positively serve you.
How Two Men In Their 20’s Discovered An Unknown Brain Hack
Richard Bandler and John Grinder
In the early 1970’s, NLP was created by two young men, Richard Bandler and John Grinder. They met at the University of California, Santa Cruz.
Bandler was an undergraduate psychology student and Grinder was a language professor with a specialty in Linguistics.
Combining their different but complementary backgrounds, the two decided to work together.
As Bandler and Grinder began to combine their love of the sciences, they ran a number of experiments for activating states of peak performance.
They discovered brain hacking abilities.
They would hold small therapy sessions with students on campus whom they would eventually train and coach.
What was the focus? To reprogram your mind with the use of language.
This was one of the greatest discoveries of the modern age.
Unfortunately in 1977 the duo tragically decided to stop working together. Despite their falling out and the case left unresolved as to who claimed the intellectual property, this meant that due to the variation of NLP teachings, no regulated certification was ever created.
What Is NLP? (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)
NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) is by far one of the greatest breakthroughs within the scientific community of the last 50 years.
It’s a psychological approach towards healing oneself with the power of persuasion through language and behavior patterns to literally reprogram your brain for success.
This is also referred to as brain hacking.
Both Bandler and Grinder saw this as a way to cure all sorts of neurological ailments such as; depression, anxiety, disease, and disorders.
One of the most common reasons being how to reprogram your mind for positive thinking. You can say that Bandler and Grinder are individually responsible for inspiring an entire generation of the personal growth movement.
The NLP began a movement amongst psychotherapists, hypnotherapists, psychologists, and life coaches. One of the biggest being Tony Robbins, who studied with John Grinder. He used the methods of NLP in his own books, seminars, and self-development products.
How Does NLP Work?
The classic way that NLP works is typically within the psychology profession, where there is a therapist and a subject (or client) being treated.
NLP is first introduced by talking and developing rapport with the subject. The therapist then gathers information and talks about desired outcomes, while using specific tools and techniques to hack their brain, and introduce new behavior ideas into their lifestyle. The therapist would also be looking for non-verbal cues during this process, as to give more enlightenment for positive intentions and the power of the subconscious mind.
Then, after prescribing the best diagnosis, the therapist would then ‘rehearse’ with their subject, showing them how to reprogram and rewire different behaviors and thought processes. They would be guided to ‘unlearn’ certain habits as well as learn new ones. They would learn how to mentally rehearse for a future situation by bringing it into the present, then explore the thoughts and feelings at that moment. Therefore, using NLP techniques to hack the future, as well as the brain.
Unleash Your Inner Superpowers And Learn How To Reprogram Your Mind
Where is the best place to begin to unleash the power of your inner superhero? In recent years, fortunately, NLP has become more accessible for people to learn with various products and training specific to all requirements.
Do you want the perfect body? (Get a free weight loss audio program)
Do you want increased confidence? (Get a free confidence booster audio program)
Do you want more money?
Do you want to learn how to turn on instant rapport with anybody you meet?
Overcome anxiety of public speaking? How about flicking a switch for instant focus?
Everyone is capable of this and more, plus it doesn’t require thousands of dollars, surgery, or even electrodes!
NLP Hero: A Powerful Brain Hacking Course
This course is jam-packed with hundreds of hours of mind-blowing NLP techniques and cutting edge ideas that have been used by thousands of people who have completely transformed their lives. These are scientifically sound methods used by the most educated people in the world.
NLP Hero focuses on redeveloping the whole human, activating their potential, and capitalizing on their deepest desires.
Use this to conquer fears and become the ultimate superhero of your life. Learn how to transform the way you think, feel, and act.
Unlocking all your barriers to success is possible.
Product RatingSupport Rating
NLP Hero Review
This program hands over a very enlightening perspective to finding success or a positive outcome using NLP as a brain hack.
NLP Hero consists of 10 different and unique audio sessions that work to help you identify thought patterns and subconscious habits that are actually getting in your way. The sessions are conversational and insightful, led by a narrator shares expertize in a very relatable way.
You can listen and repeat the sessions as often as you want, and wherever you want, however, results will be most effective when dedicating interrupted time to listen in a peaceful environment.
Learn more. ($200 discount currently available)
Experience The Full Power Of NLP Hero Brain Hacking Audio Programs
There are so many different programs out there where just listening feels like sitting in a room with a trained expert. The best thing is that you can be sitting in the comfort of your own home, on your couch, or in your bed. Be swept off to a new universe where you become the creator and designer of your dream life.
This NLP Hero review aims to give you the information you need. If you are ready to begin reprogramming your mind so that you can finally become the superhero you need to be, make sure that you take the time to look at NLP Hero whilst you still can.