13 Pictures That Will Prove You Don’t Need To Travel Outside Pakistan To See Beauty!
Pakistan is sure, if not the most, one of the top most beautiful countries of the world. It is a country that experiences all four seasons and has climates ranging from hot desert ones to the coldest ones. From sea to the river to land to lakes, Pakistan is just full of natural landscapes, something that tourists desire the most.
Moreover, if we speak of historical architecture, Pakistan is not far behind in that as well. Rich in cultural and traditional buildings and monuments, Pakistan offers much attraction to millions of people around the globe.
If you are searching for some other country to visit to enjoy nature or even history, how about you start from your country? As you keep scrolling downwards, you will realize what we are speaking of.
You don’t need to travel outside Pakistan for nature, beauty, and tourism, here is why:
This Majestic View of Ratti Gali Lake, Azad Kashmir
Behold, Shimshal Lake, Gilgit-Baltistan
On top of Eagle’s Nest at Hunza
Enjoy the view of Pakistan Karakoram
Or watch the shadow of K2 project deep inside China during sunset
How about a visit to Badshahi Mosque in Lahore?
Or this splendid Wazir Khan Mosque?
Visit the Shah Faisal Mosque in Islamabad
This view of Fairy Meadows From The Foot of Nanga Parbat Will Surely Make You Realize Your Place In The Galaxy
Visit the Kund Malir Beach in Makran Coast
Or the point where fairies and angels gather at night in Lake Saif ul Malook near Naran
Old Fort Street in Lahore
Or watch this beautiful sunset from Shogran
While you are visiting these place, do remember to keep those places you visit as beautiful as they always were. The Recent hike in the number of tourists to these places have brought all sorts of pollution to the environment. We request all our readers to make sure to properly dispose off any garbage and litter to their rightful places and keep your country clean for the world.
Tourism in Pakistan has suffered a lot due to the security situation in this country. Fortunately, the recent victories against terrorism have reopened the gates to these places and made roaming in this part of the world safe again.
“DISCLAIMER: All of these images are properties of their respectful owners who did all the hard work in capturing the beauty of Pakistan. We are sharing these images to show one side of Pakistan that the whole world needs to see.”