10 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Home Care Service
Photo from Alternative Homemaking With A Heart of SW Florida, LLC
Originally Posted On: https://www.althomemakingwithaheart.com/10-reasons-why-you-should-hire-a-home-care-service/
The percentage of seniors in the U.S. is on the rise. In 2019, individuals over the age of 65 represented 16 percent of the population; by 2040, that number is expected to top 21 percent.
As the Baby Boomer generation moves into retirement, their children and grandchildren are beginning to face difficult decisions about their care. One big decision that families must make is whether to place an ailing family member or one in need of daily help in a senior care facility or opt for home care services.
If your family is facing this decision, keep reading. We’re breaking down 10 reasons why Home Care Service might be the right choice for your loved one.
1. Companionship
Loneliness is an epidemic among senior citizens. In one study, a quarter of adults aged 65 and older reported feeling lonely. ‘
Social isolation can have devastating consequences for an individual’s mental and physical health. It’s been proven to increase their risk of premature death, increase the risk of developing dementia by 50 percent, and can even increase the risk of stroke by 32 percent. Individuals who report feeling lonely also report higher rates of depression, anxiety, and suicide.
One of the biggest benefits of Sarasota in home care services for seniors is the built-in companionship. From daily interactions to friendly conversations, your home care aid will quickly become a trusted friend, and someone that your loved one can talk to when you can’t be around.
2. Constant Health Monitoring
Whether your loved one is already suffering from one or more health conditions, their likelihood of developing various conditions or new symptoms increases as they age. Common age-related medical conditions include cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, and Parkinson’s Disease.
Spotting the signs of these and other conditions early is important. This can allow doctors to treat the conditions before they get worse, and minimize side effects. But unless you have medical training yourself, spotting the early signs may be a challenge.
But when you hire the best senior home care Venice FL has to offer, you get a trained professional with experience spotting those signs. Your home care aid will notice subtle signs that something is wrong and get your loved one medical attention right away.
3. Safe Transportation
Getting an aging loved one to and from various doctor’s appointments and therapies can be a challenge. This is especially true if they have any physical disabilities, require oxygen, or otherwise have trouble getting around.
In addition to the challenges of getting them in and out of your vehicle and into hospitals, clinics, and outpatient centers, you’ll also need to take time off of work to do so. This doesn’t even account for other places that your loved one may need to go, like the store, church, or other outings.
Investing in home care services means that the individual will have safe transportation when they need it, and for anywhere that they need to go.
4. Support for Other Family Members
Your loved one may be the one in need of care. But other family members may be suffering as well.
Caring for an aging family member can be stressful, time-consuming, and difficult. You’re likely also working and perhaps caring for children or your own family. Now, you’re faced with your aging loved one’s challenging needs as well.
Finding private duty nursing near me is a great way to alleviate some of the burdens. Your loved one will get the care that they need, and you can take care of other responsibilities without feeling guilty or worrying that your family member needs your attention.
5. A Safer Home
Whether your loved one is facing a new physical disability or mobility issues or is experiencing early signs of dementia, their once safe home may suddenly be filled with dangers. From a stove accidentally left on after cooking to steep stairs, if you want your loved one to stay in their home, they may face these risks daily.
When you opt for Sarasota senior home care, your loved one can stay at home while still being protected from these dangers.
6. Affordability
The average cost of a nursing home in the U.S. is around $300 a day, or more than $9,000 a month.
Given the many benefits of home care services, you might assume that this option will cost even more. But this is often not the case. Many families find it more affordable to search for private duty nursing agencies near me instead.
7. Greater Flexibility
Not all seniors need around-the-clock care. They may be perfectly capable of cooking their own meals or of relaxing in the evenings on their own. In fact, some older individuals only need a couple of hours of help a day with things like taking their medications.
This is where home care service shines. You can choose the exact services that your loved one needs, giving you full flexibility with their care.
8. Medication Management
If your loved one struggles to remember whether they’ve taken their mediations or how much they need, home care service can help. Their home care aid will administer daily medications. This means no risk of overdosing or forgetting to take important, life-saving medications.
9. Post-Op Care
Even seniors who have largely been independent may need a little extra help after a medical procedure or injury.
A home care aid can help an injured family member get around or care for themselves during this time. Then when they are recovered, they can either reduce their services or stop them altogether.
10. Peace of Mind
Perhaps the greatest benefit of finding senior care near me is peace of mind.
You can rest easy knowing that your loved one is getting the care, companionship, and security that they need, no matter what challenges they are facing.
Choosing Home Care Service in Venice, FL
Choosing between a nursing home or home care service is a big decision. But if your loved one wants to stay in their home, home care is a great choice. It allows aging seniors to stay in their homes and enjoy some freedoms, while still ensuring that they are safe and well cared for.
Looking to learn more about home care services in your area? Contact us today for more information about our services.