04. 15 Ways To Drive Traffic To Your Private Practice Website (for Free)
Whenever I ask my audience what’s the biggest challenge they have with online marketing, getting traffic to their private practice website always comes up.
It makes sense.
You could spend thousands of dollars or thousands of hours and have the most beautiful, well-designed website on the planet.
But if you do nothing with it, no one is going to see it.
As I like to say, “If you JUST build it. No one will JUST come.”
What’s the point in even having a website if no one is viewing it right?
If you’ve been looking at your analytics and feeling like your website is not getting the traffic you desire (or need) in order to attract more clients your private practice, it’s time to make a change.
You could certainly pay for Google or Facebook ads to pick up that traffic, but I’m a firm believer in starting with some free strategies to get the traffic train moving out of the station.
In this episode I’ll share with you 15 FREE ways you can start driving traffic to your therapy website.
Short on time? Just fill out the form below to download all 15 traffic-driving tips in a handy PDF.
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