3 Types of Mental Disorders
Originally posted on https://www.pacementalhealthhouston.com/mental-health-blog/types-of-mental-disorders/
Many types of mental illnesses exist. One in five Americans has a mental illness, so at least one of these conditions affect almost every family in the country. Three of the most common types of mental disorders include depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). What are these conditions and how do you gain the treatment you need when dealing with them at a psychiatry clinic in Houston?
PTSD, Depression, and Anxiety Disorders
Depression feels like having a dark shadow hanging over your life. It seems everything goes wrong. You isolate yourself, sleep too much, and feel nothing makes you laugh anymore. But even severe depression is fully treatable as it is one of the most common types of mental disorders. This means depression can fall into your past and stop looming over your future.
Anxiety makes your heart race and causes you stress above and beyond what is normal. You suffer when triggered, feeling dread, fear, or impending danger when none exists. You may also experience symptoms like insomnia and nightmares, causing you to feel lethargic and weak during the day. But like depression, you can gain treatment via Houston psychiatry services for your anxiety.
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) causes a wide range of symptoms similar to both depression and anxiety. PTSD comes from trauma in your past, such as from military service, injury, accidents, the death of a loved one, or abuse. But with the right help, your PTSD can subside, and you can learn how to manage your symptoms.
Treatment for Many Types of Mental Disorders
Whether you suffer one of these types of mental disorders or any other mental illness, the right treatment helps. Through therapies and medications, you regain a healthier, happier and more balanced life. Therapies you need for your mental illness include:
- Individual therapy
- Medication therapy management
- Psychotherapy
- DBT and CBT
- Stress management
- Anger management techniques
Together, all of these therapies, life changes, and prescription medications provide the foundation for a brighter future. Getting through your mental illness takes time and some work, but doing so means you gain the fulfillment missing from your life now.
Finding Treatment for Your Mental Disorder
Whether you suffer one mental disorder or several, help exists nearby. This help includes the therapies you need and other treatments that are proven to work for people just like you. This means you need psychiatric and counseling experts, as well as a variety of other treatment specialists.
In Houston, Texas, you find these treatment experts and Houston psychiatrists at PACE Mental Health Houston. At PACE Houston you gain access to a healthy mix of therapies, stress management, anger management, and educational sessions. You learn about your mental condition and how to overcome the illness you now suffer.
PACE Mental Health Houston also provides help for eating disorders, substance use disorders, and other behavioral disorders. Whether you suffer one mental illness or a mix of conditions, your future remains bright with this help. Call PACE Mental Health Houston now at 866.971.8423 for more information.