8 Full Body Workout Routines for Men Without Weights
Originally posted on https://drricardolalama.com/8-full-body-workout-routines-for-men-without-weights/
Tired of your busy and hectic lifestyle? Don’t have enough time to visit a fitness center or gym facility? If yes, then you can take advantage of these body weight exercises to help you take your fitness results to the next level without even going to the gym. Rest assured that these workouts are safe and they can yield excellent results in no time. Another interesting fact about these body weight workouts is that they can be performed without the help of any gym equipment. That’s why these workouts have already gained massive popularity among the fitness community. So, if you are someone who does not have adequate time to visit the gym, then this full body workout routine for men without weights will be perfect for you.
The key advantage of these exercises is that they are convenient, safe, effective and easy to practice. For instance, you can practice these workouts anywhere and anytime as they do not require any gym equipment. Likewise, they are safe as there are relatively lesser chances of getting hurt or injured. What’s more, these exercises are really effective for your entire body and they can yield the same results as the complex, heavy gym workouts. Additionally, these workouts are easy to perform. Even if you are a novice, you can start with a basic full body workout routine and slowly move to an advanced exercise schedule once you become accustomed.
So, at this point, you have already been exposed to the major benefits of practicing body weight exercises that require no gym equipment. Now, you must be wondering what are the best body weight exercises for men which you can start practicing without any further delays. If that’s the case, then please keep reading to learn more about these workouts in the following sections.
1) Pistol Squat: Well, pistol squats are one of the best body weight exercises for all. Particularly, this workout is extremely effective and helpful for your legs. Even if you are a novice or beginner, you can incorporate this exercise in your full body workout routine. However, prior to practicing pistol squats, you must have adequate experience in basic body weight squats. Practicing pistol squats directly (without having any mastery of basic body weight squats) is not at all recommended. So, if you are a complete beginner, please start with basic squats and then slowly switch to box pistols. Next, from there, you can start doing pistol squats. Please go slowly, steadily, and progressively increase your pistol squats in order to obtain the best results.
2) Back Bridge: This is an incredibly effective and efficient workout that can be helpful for your entire body. This exercise can actually provide more strength and stability for the posterior and front section of your body. If you are a beginner, please start with a basic bridge; next, from that position, please try to lift one leg or one arm off the ground. With regular practice, you should be able to lift off your back. Note, this workout can provide strength to your glutes, hamstrings, upper backs, spinal erectors, chest, hips, and abs.
3) Handstands: Handstands can be quite challenging and intimidating for beginners. But, if you continue practicing it on a regular basis, then you can easily develop your shoulders, improve your mobility, and increase your balance through this excellent workout. Ideally, you should start with basic handstands with single-armed variation and then move to freestanding handstands with time.
4) Pull-ups and Push ups: Both basic pull-ups and single arm pull-ups are considered to be one of the best body weight exercises for men. Likewise, the classic and common body weight exercise i.e. push-up is worth to add in your full body workout routine. Both of these two workouts do not require any weight lifting apparatuses, yet they will help you get perfect delts, triceps, and chest.
5) Inverse Row: This workout is widely known as the opposite variation of push-ups. This versatile exercise can offer more strength and stability to your arms, biceps, and shoulders. However, you will need a sturdy bar to practice this workout.
6) Plank: Do you know that plank is an outstanding exercise for strengthening the deep inner core of your body? What’s more, planks are commonly known as a core workout staple. This impressive exercise requires three things: core control, stability, and balance. When practiced regularly, this workout can strengthen your lower back, neck, shoulders, abs, and legs. But, please make sure to practice this exercise in a correct and appropriate manner to ensure the best outcome.
7) Burpee: Burpees are simply awesome. This full body exercise is great for burning excess calories. What’s more, it’s a superior and powerful cardio exercise that involves your body with a full range of motion. To get a well-toned body (without any excess fat and calories), you must aim to practice burpees on a regular basis.
8) Dips: This is a compound and push-type exercise that strengthens the muscles around your shoulders, chest, and arms. This workout can be particularly suitable for those men that want to develop a perfect set of triceps without taking on the help of any gym equipment. This excellent workout is quite famous among the fitness community as it can help you develop upper body strength.
Although you won’t be using any machines and weights, these exercises are as challenging as your deadlifts and bench presses. The better part of it is that you can get the same results without the risk of injury or getting yourself stuck in an equipment when it fails to function. Body weight exercises, in general, are safe. Your resistance will depend on your weight and the possibility of injuring yourself is lesser compared when working with machines and heavy objects. Of course, you still need to exercise precaution when performing the more advanced routines.
If you feel uncomfortable working out in the gym or you would like to take advantage of any free space, be it at home, in the park or during peak hours in the facility, you can already do a lot of exercises with these full body workout routines for men without weights. With proper form, you can increase your strength and develop your body with lesser chances of cheating. Moreover, once you mastered your body weight routine, you are also building up on your strength. With the many variations and progressions, there is no room for boredom. At the same time, you are getting more opportunity to become stronger without having to rely on gym equipment. With body weight exercises, you’ll do with what you have. By being resourceful and creative, you can create tons of new skills which adds to the element of fun to your workout routine, something that might not be entirely practical when you are following the strict rules of machine use and of the gym.