Your Complete Guide To Content Marketing
Originally posted on https://www.digitalmarketingjobs.com/insight/complete-guide-to-content-marketing/
This is great and all, but if you’re new to content marketing then this might not make much sense. Sure, you’re marketing content, but what does that entail?
Essentially, it’s the act of creating and sharing content online. However, there’s a lot more to it than just that.
Here’s everything you need to know about modern-day digital content marketing.
What is Content Marketing?
So, what is content marketing exactly? It’s the act of marketing your business using content, to put it simply.
If you’re a digital marketer, then it’s the act of marketing someone else’s business. All of the same rules below apply!
Marketing content in this sense refers to:
- Blogs
- Articles
- Social Media Posts
- Podcasts
- Videos
While this might seem like normal marketing, what’s really different about content marketing is that marketers can now use this kind of curated content to target specific, niche audiences.
This is, at the core, the goal of content marketing.
You’re trying to create content that attracts a target audience, informs and engages them, and then turns them into loyal customers.
This is why high-quality content is so important. You’re working to build a long-term relationship with your audience, and that takes time.
In the past, an agency would create one advert for the general public. Now, companies create smaller, more targeted advertising campaigns that cater to the needs and interests of a more specific demographic.
This means that you can see higher rates of conversion and higher levels of engagement because you’re truly speaking to a specific audience that is more likely to engage with your brand.
The Importance of Developing a Content Marketing Strategy
You might think that after understanding a bit about marketing for beginners that you’re able to go out and write a few blogs and post a few updates on social media. If only it were that easy!
It’s important to begin any content marketing campaign with a solid strategy. If this seems a little overwhelming, then you’re not alone.
Most companies struggle with content strategies, and that’s something that you need to understand as a marketer.
In fact, 64% of marketers say that they need help building a better content strategy. Likewise, 60% say that it’s difficult to produce content in a consistent manner.
To develop a content marketing strategy, you have to ask yourself or the company questions like:
- What is the company’s mission?
- Who is our target audience?
- What is our brand’s voice?
- What kind of content are we going to make?
Planning out a solid strategy is probably the most time-consuming aspect of content marketing. But, if you do it right, then you’ll reap the benefits of it in the long-run.
Start by answering the questions above. Define the company’s mission, what they do, and what they aim to accomplish in the business world.
Then, take the time to really define an audience. This is about more than simply coming up with a general demographic.
You really need to understand their behaviour both off and online. Think about things like occupation, education level, income, marital status, and more. Go as deep as you can.
All of this will help you form a clear brand voice, which is going to be crucial when you finally get to the step of creating content on a consistent basis.
Analysing the Best Content Marketing Techniques
If you’ve already completed the steps above then you’re probably ready to start thinking about creating content.
The best content marketing strategies and campaigns all follow a few of the same techniques.
Assuming you’ve identified your target audience, then you’ll want to start conducting keyword research.
This is how people are going to find your content online. If you’re creating a campaign for a bicycle repair store in London, then think about the words that people would search online to find that product.
Opt for long-tail keywords, which are phrases that are longer than one or two words. Instead of using the keyword “bicycle repair,” for example,” use one like “need mountain bike repair near me.”
Make sure you’re not trying to use super-competitive keywords, either. This is especially important if the company is later going to invest in PPC campaigns.
Another one of the best content marketing techniques is to always offer something of value to those who are engaging with your content.
This lead magnet or call-to-action is something that’s going to entice your audience to take action.
At the end of a blog, this could be a link to download a free ebook. On social media, it could be an offer or giveaway if they follow your account and share your photos.
Whatever it is, always make sure you’re offering something of value. This is what’s going to set you apart from the competition.
Developing Successful Content Marketing Campaigns
Content marketing is more of a marathon than a sprint. It requires a lot of time, dedication, and patience.
If you’re careful about how you plan a content marketing strategy, then you’ll set yourself up with a solid path to follow over time.
Focus on creating authentic, engaging content that truly speaks to your target audience. And, don’t forget to be consistent.
Start a blog and consistently publish how-to guides every Wednesday. Or, create a podcast that offers your listeners weekly tips on how to solve a problem that’s related to the company.
Whatever you do, remember that building an audience takes time. If you get stuck, then take advantage of the hundreds of free marketing and SEO tools online.
Think you’re ready to become a master content marketer?
Head over to our jobs section to find a marketing job that’s going to help take your digital marketing career to the next level.