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5 Reasons You Should Be Tracking Your Company Keys

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It may seem obvious that commercial facility should track their company keys. After all, what self-respecting company would just hand company keys out to employees without a way to ensure security? The management of company keys is especially critical. Here are the top five reasons you should prioritize tracking your company keys.

  1. The Financial Toll of Misplaced or Stolen Company Keys
  2. Safety and Security Concerns from Mismanaged Company Keys
  3. Lost Productivity Due to Untracked Company Keys
  4. The Benefits of Efficient Company Key Control Systems
  5. Proactive Risk Management and Loss Prevention with Company Key Systems

1. The Financial Toll of Misplaced or Stolen Company Keys

Losing a company key might seem like a small inconvenience. But financially, it can be catastrophic. When a company key is misplaced, you’re not just looking at its replacement. Imagine if a master company key is lost; the rekeying implications for an entire facility or multiple sites can be staggering. Costs can sometimes run up to $20,000 or more excluding labor.

2. Safety and Security Concerns from Mismanaged Company Keys

A lost company key is more than an operational hiccup. It’s a security breach waiting to happen. If misplaced company keys fall into the wrong hands, they can lead to theft, unauthorized access, and potential harm to personnel. The aftermath can result in operational costs and potential reputational damage.

3. Lost Productivity Due to Untracked Company Keys

Company key mismanagement directly impacts productivity. Think about the hours spent looking for lost keys or the crucial tasks delayed because a company key is missing. Over time, these hours of lost productivity translate into notable financial setbacks.

4. The Benefits of Efficient Company Key Control Systems

An effective company key control system might seem like an added expense. However, its long-term benefits are undeniable. It reduces the risk of lost keys and streamlines the key management process. With fewer lost keys, employees no longer waste time searching. Advanced systems also provide real-time tracking and auditing capabilities, offering insights into who holds which company key.

5. Proactive Risk Management and Loss Prevention with Company Key Tracking Systems

Advanced company key control systems are about more than just tracking. They provide insights for proactive risk management. The faster a missing company key is identified, the quicker the response, reducing potential security risks. Some systems even offer user-rekeyable locks, eliminating locksmith costs.

Key tracking, especially of company keys, might seem secondary in an organization’s operations. But its role in ensuring security, productivity, cost savings, and operational efficiency is paramount. As the world leans towards digital transformation, the importance of physical company keys remains undiminished. Thus, so does the need for their systematic management.

Want to spend less time keeping track of locks, keys, and key holders? Check out our free key tracking system guide and learn about the best ways to keep track of your company keys and key holders.

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