Bunzl Launches New Purposeful Indigenous RAP
New South Wales, AUS, 17 March 2024— Bunzl is proud to announce the launch of an Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP).
This is the second stage as endorsed by Reconciliation Australia and underpins our foundational belief in driving meaningful change and driving cultural respect. We have a large part to play in ensuring First Nations businesses have an equitable presence in our supply chain.
Our journey started back in 2015 and we are proud to implement the initiatives and action items within our Innovate RAP. Our RAP outlines our approach to listening, learning & evolving our work on the path to reconciliation.”
Within our RAP we have outlined 5 pillars that support the Bunzl Vision for reconciliation:
- Enable an inclusive and respectful culture celebrating and appreciating the lived experiences of First Nations people & community.
- Advocating for equitable outcomes for First Nations peoples by investing in local communities.
- Actively facilitate cultural education to understand the disconnect between our cultures & recognise steps to take towards Reconciliation.
- A renewed focus on creating pathways to leadership for First Nations employees within Bunzl.
- Strengthening partnerships with First Nations people by actively engaging with locally operated & owned First Nations Businesses.
In 2022, the Australian Bunzl entities, that are grouped for reporting purposes, had a revenue value of $800 million and a combined spend with qualified First Nations entities of more than $24 million. This demonstrates that with every dollar spent with Bunzl, $0.03 cents are spent with First Nations business. If the Sleeping Giant survey still rings true today, the economic and social value is multiplied by $4.41, equating to more than $105.8 million in economic and social value.
In terms of supporting First Nations Communities and as part of the recent launch of our Innovate RAP, Bunzl provide regular funding via donation directly to the Clontarf Foundation to support the education of young First Nations men. Bunzl also actively engages with Academies to provide work experience and school-based traineeships across all areas of the Bunzl business. We currently have 2 school-based trainees employed in Mackay. In addition to this we are supporting on site school engagement activities at the Cecil Andrews Academy.
Our RAP is more than just a written document; it is our commitment to delivering value through meaningful actions to facilitate equitable outcomes to Aboriginal businesses and communities across Australia.
For further information please visit https://www.bunzlsafety.com.au/sustainability#sus-anchor-3
About Bunzl Safety and Lifting:
We supply personal protective equipment (PPE), safety workwear, safety footwear, safety glasses, materials handling equipment, height safety gear, and other safety equipment.
Media Contact:
Adam Coey
Bunzl Safety and Lifting
55 Sarah Andrews Close Erskine Park NSW Australia, 2759
1800 967 573
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