Make Your Online Content A Household Name: Here Are 5 Clever Advertising Tips To Promote Your Content!
We create 2.5 quintillion bytes of data each day.
That’s a pretty hard number to wrap our brains around! But as interesting as that is, it presents a pretty big problem for those of you trying to promote your content online.
There’s way too much competition for your potential consumer’s eyeballs. And without a good content strategy, you might find that your business slows down.
Lucky for you, this article is going to give you some advertising tips for your content. Soon you’ll be on your way to getting the readership of your dreams!
Read on to learn more!
1. Influencers
Did you know that only 30 percent of Instagram users have over 1,000 followers?
That means there are only a select amount of people with a useful audience. And, for most businesses, you’ll want more than a few thousand people hearing your message.
But there are also plenty of influencers that have 10,000 or more followers. Some even have millions. And here’s the thing: You can use them to promote your content.
Hiring an influencer is as easy as messaging them online and offering some money. If they agree, they’ll happily promote your content on their Instagram or Twitter page. Not only will this make more people hear about you, but it will also get you a celebrity endorsement of your product.
Micro Influencers
Not everyone needs a million people to hear their message. In fact, you might just have a few thousand people in the world who would be interested in your product.
For example, let’s say that you live in a small town and run a coffee shop. The last thing you should do is shell out the cash to have Kim Kardashian post a picture from your store.
Instead, you’ll want to find someone who has a significant following of people in your town. Maybe they only have two or three thousand followers, but that could be all you need to get people talking about you.
These micro-influencers will cost you less money, and they also let you target better than regular influencers would.
2. Sponsored Content
Sponsored content is one of the newest forms of advertising your content online. This doesn’t have anything to do with social media ads, but we’ll get into that in a minute.
Sponsored content is instead when you pay for your writing to go on someone else’s site. This is similar to guest blogging, but you pay for it to get a better reach.
Often, sites and magazines will have a team that will write your sponsored content. But don’t assume that will be the case. At the very least, you’ll have to work with whoever is writing the story.
Publishing sponsored content is how you get your name out there to people in your target audience. Let’s say that you run that same coffee shop, but instead of being a local store, you have stores throughout a few states. And you also ship beans to homes and professional baristas.
The best place for you to get your name out there through sponsored content is by publishing in a regional coffee magazine. You might also want to consider foodie magazines that your potential buyers would be reading.
This allows you to control messaging to a very select target audience. And it also allows you to offer something to your readers as well.
3. Giveaways
This might sound too easy, but people will like you if you give them free stuff. Giveaways are becoming more and more common on social media, and you should get into that as well.
Simply post on social media that you are giving something like custom backpacks away. Tell people they have to tag a friend or share the post for you to enter them in the contest.
After a few days, you choose a winner at random and announce it on your page. Then, you simply ship the backpack to them.
This works because people who have never heard of your brand will want in on the competition. This means you’ll get plenty of new followers and likes from people who don’t know you yet. And chances are they won’t unfollow once the competition is over.
4. Social Media Ads
Social media ads require the least amount of work out of anything on this list. All you have to do is pay for the ad and write good copy, and it will do the work for you.
Although this is easy, you should also be careful. People aren’t going to give you much of their scrolling time, so be quick to get to the point.
Social media ads let you target the exact demographic and location of people. And on Facebook, you can even target what other pages people like.
Make sure your ad has a strong CTA at the end. You want your readers to do something once they get done reading your ad.
In this case, chances are you want them to check out your content. Have them subscribe to a newsletter or like your page so that they don’t miss any more content.
5. Ask Employees
When it comes to low-cost advertising, this tip takes the cake. Simply ask your employees to share the content your business produces on their personal social media channels.
This will allow their friends and followers to see what they’re doing. And because they likely care about your employee, they might click on it just because they’re curious.
And, if you write good content, you might see another share from their followers. Of course, don’t expect too much from this depending on your industry. If you sell auto parts, not many people are going to share that on their own social media page.
Try These Advertising Tips
Now that you’ve read this article, you should be ready to try on these advertising tips for size. Remember that the way you promote your content will be different for every business, so expect some trial and error.
Ready to do some free advertising now? Check out our post on SEO tips for 2019.