How to Get Over Writer’s Block: 8 Essential Productivity Tips for Writers
Are you suffering from writer’s block?
Whether you’re a professional writer or the written word is your favorite hobby, suffering from writer’s block is a disheartening issue.
The circumstances around writer’s block aren’t clearly understood by experts, but certain psychologists link it to anxiety and fear. Whatever the reason for your inability to write, here’s how to get over writer’s block, or at least learn how to work around it.
1. Write Every Day, No Matter What
When was the last time you sat down to write?
If your writer’s block prevents you from even touching a pen to a notepad, stop thinking about the act of writing.
Instead, just sit down and do it. Grab a pen or your laptop and just do a quick free-write. You could write words, full sentences — whatever you want.
The point is to get back into the habit of writing. If you have to, you can even pencil it into your schedule.
Absolutely nothing has to come of your writing while you get into the habit of doing it every day. This isn’t meant to be your Magnum Opus. The goal is to write without demanding perfection from yourself.
This alone should lessen your writer’s block.
2. Write Your Stress Away
Are you stressed? No matter what you’re anxiety stems from, it can stifle your artistic efforts.
When you’re stressed, you can’t let yourself think deeply enough to access your creative brain. You might be able to banish your writer’s block if you could only relax.
Ironically, did you know that writing is scientifically proven to be a stress reliever?
Psychologists studied the merits of writing in individuals who experienced major trauma. They concluded that writing can calm a person down immeasurably. It acts as a therapist of sorts.
- Make yourself sit down and write a list of things that stress you out
- Then, crumple that piece of paper to symbolize overcoming the stress
- After that, take a break and come back to writing
Can you write any more about the stress you feel? This can lessen your anxiety, but it may also bring you to the route of your stress, forcing you to deal with it head-on.
3. Use Writing Prompts
Do you feel like you can’t write anymore because you lack ideas? Rest assured, most creative people feel this way from time to time.
You’re afraid to come up with something new because what you crafted before was top-notch. Perhaps you feel like your brain’s penchant for coming up with nifty themes is ending.
Enter creative writing prompts to the rescue. You can use these at whatever level you may need help. They’re suitable for every genre.
Though your pool of viable ideas can never actually end, these writing prompts may be just what you’re looking for.
4. Join A Writer’s Group
Have you ever shared your writing with anyone else? You might be frowning at the suggestion of sharing your deepest work with strangers. But this may actually lead to a writer’s block breakthrough.
Sometimes an outsider’s critique can give you a good idea for a new direction to write. Also, validation in the form of a boost from a fellow writer might just be what the doctor prescribed.
Find a writer’s group that thrives on positivity and support. You may still need to contend with constructive feedback, but writers in a supportive group understand that they need to be respectful in critiquing your work
Even if you choose not to share your work, you can gain a lot from helping your fellow wordsmiths. Join a writers’ group to get resources and ideas about your fellow writers’ work.
5. How To Get Over Writer’s Block By Reading Every Day
When was the last time you read for pleasure?
As a writer, you might feel that you’re too busy to read. However, reading is the lifeblood of any type of writing, whether personal or professional.
Studies show that people who read regularly are stronger writers than those who do not.
Make a point to read for at least 30 minutes a day. The content doesn’t really matter. The goal is to flex that literary muscle.
You can choose to read just before you write, or you can take a break between your literary activities. Even reading before bedtime can help you improve your writing.
6. Save Whatever You Write
Do you crumple up your writing in frustration sometimes?
If so, stop this bad habit. Throwing away your attempts at writing is a major disservice to yourself.
Your writing is your brainchild. Even if you aren’t particularly proud of it, yet.
Aside from that, your opinion is subjective. It’s true that most creatives are their own toughest critics.
Save your work, no matter what it is. You never know when you can use it to rework for another story.
7. Read Your Past Work
Now that you’re no longer throwing away your writing, take time to look at your work from the past.
You may be surprised at the quality of your work. Also, you might be able to repurpose some old writing into something new that’s finally published. If nothing else, your old writing might inspire you out of this writing funk.
8. Discover Your Ideal Writing Setting
When and where do you write? If you’re someone who doesn’t pay much attention to where they write, perhaps this has to do with your writer’s block.
Do you like to string words together at your window seat? Do you take your laptop to a local cafe and write there? Do you write in the middle of the night in bed, wearing your favorite pajamas?
If you have a specific space to write, go there each time when you’re determined to make some progress. If you’re still discovering where your ideal writing space is, go with your gut.
Try to write during various parts of the day. Perhaps you might like getting up in the morning and starting the day with some well-chosen words. Maybe you’re just the opposite: Words stream out of you while everyone else is asleep.
In any case, choosing your writing time and place can inspire you to do your best work yet.
Need More Writing Tips?
If you want more ideas on how to get over writer’s block, get some tips from today’s writing pros.
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