

Photo by Annie Spratt

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A dry cough is a condition that is common to human beings, which are usually brought about by coldness. It is widespread for adults and rarely occurs to young children. It also commonly occurs during the dry seasons, a time when there is a lot of dust. However, it has as well spread to animals such as cows and sheep. The following article will discuss some of the causes of dry cough, how to prevent and treat dry cough.

A dry cough is also known as an unproductive cough that does not remove mucus and other irritants from a person’s lungs or the nasal passage, differentiating it from the wet cough that is the productive cough, which produces mucus and irritants from the nasal passage. Dry coughs are uncomfortable and occur in both adults and children. Dry coughs can be treatable using various clinical methods, but there are some remedies used to treat dry coughs at home.

Causes of dry coughs include;

cold and flu, asthma, postnasal drip, acid reflux, prolonged cigarette smoking.

Here are some of the herbs that can be used to alleviate the dry cough when used together with other supplements when one is experiencing dry cough conditions. The most common supplements are honey, ginger, turmeric, garlic, warm salty water, and masala tea. When treating your dry cough, it is good to take precautions on the best herb and supplements that can help alleviate the condition in a short while. This is because some of the herbs may even worsen your condition.

The use of herbs and supplements may also be inappropriate to administer to babies and children since they may be of adverse side effects that the infants and toddlers may be unable to cope with, and some may taste nasty to babies causing nausea and vomiting.

However, the use of herbs and supplements does not have a quick response to recovery on dry coughs. Thus, people are encouraged to take them frequently without a specified number of times, but it is encouraged since there are minimal cases of side effects on the use of herbs. The use of herbs on animals is not commonly used because the air functioning system of animals differs that of human beings and their functioning. Animals are mostly treated by administering tablets according to prescriptions of the veterinary.

The use of honey to get rid of dry coughs is familiar to many people. It has antibacterial properties that help to coat the throat hence getting rid of dry cough irritations. Honey can be taken by adding it to tea or water or taking it directly using a teaspoon daily. It is recommended healthy and builds immunity that may also prevent one from acquiring dry cough causes. Honey can be made by both adults and children who are one year of age and above.

Turmeric, on the other hand, provides anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antibacterial properties that are very vital in the eradication of dry coughs. It is a well-known source of the upper respiratory treatment herb, such as bronchitis and asthma.

Ginger can also be used to get rid of dry cough. It contains antibacterial properties and anti-inflammatory properties, which boosts the immune system, relieve pain, and remove discomfort in humans. Ginger can be used as an ingredient in many products, such as tea. Both adults and children can use it. Ginger can be used together with honey to add some sweetness for the children as well as making it more beneficial to dry cough. One can also take ginger in the form of a capsule or chew ginger root to alleviate the dry cough.

Drinking warm salty water eases the discomfort of the throat and irritation since salty water kills bacteria in the mouth and throat. It is advised to rinse salty water for a few seconds to give the salty water time to soothe the nerve ends of the throat that eases the irritation as the bacteria in the mouth and throat dies. The use of warm salty water is cheap and readily available since salt is a cheap commodity used in almost every household across the globe. However, it is discouraged in young children because young children may swallow salty water, which is not suitable for their health.

Tea has antioxidants that are important in getting rid of dry coughs. Tea also has anti-inflammatory properties that exempt sore throats and treat dry cough conditions. Though taking tea on its own does not guarantee the treatment of dry cough or as a remedy of dry cough, thus, the use of Marsala tea is recommended. The Marsala in the Marsala tea provides the antioxidants that help in exempting dry coughs. Examples of these antioxidants include cloves and cardamom. Tea, on the other hand, has cinnamon as an anti-inflammatory property.

Garlic is found in the onion family hence related to onion and leeks. It contains compounds with medicinal properties that can .be used to alleviate the dry cough. Garlic supplements boost the function of the immune system, and its recommended one to use garlic supplements daily as it reduces the risk of attracting common cold that is a significant cause of dry cough. Garlic can either be crushed, chopped or chewed as a whole. Adults and children can consume garlic. However, children are not recommended to have it raw because it is bitter. Garlic can be used together with honey and ginger. The combinations of the three substances have proved to do well in dry cough elimination.

In conclusion, remedies to treat a dry cough at home are known to be cheap; they sometimes require a lot to consider during preparation. Lack of skills on the appropriate measurements would be a problem for some people; thus, a person experiencing difficulties should seek medical help and purchase medicines related to dry cough. Since the home remedies are much available and cheaper to acquire, I would encourage people to use them. And this way life will seem simple, especially when one gets dry cough and finds it easy to eliminate it.

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