How to Conserve Power: 10 Ways to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient
Energy efficiency is a top priority among many Americans. In fact, 81 percent value reducing pollution from power plants and 76 percent value an increase in renewable energy options.
If you’re part of this group, you don’t have to wait for power plants to catch up before you can feel like you’re making a difference. There are lots of steps you can take on your own to learn how to conserve energy, make your home greener, and benefit the planet.
Reasons to Conserve Energy
There are lots of reasons to make energy conservation a priority. The following are some of the greatest benefits to keep in mind:
- Save money on energy bills
- Protect local plant and wildlife
- Improve your family’s health (especially your respiratory health)
- Increase independence
Conserving energy also allows you to play an important role in preserving finite resources. This ensures that future generations will have access to the same resources we have now.
How to Conserve Energy at Home
Okay, you’re all aboard the energy conservation train. Where do you begin when making your home more eco-friendly, though? Start with these energy conservation techniques:
1. Let the Sun Heat Your House
Even if you’re not ready to go solar, there are still ways you can use the sun’s energy to your advantage. For example, during the winter, you can open the blinds and let the sun’s rays heat your house.
This is a simple way to lower your heating bill, and it exposes you to more natural light during the day. This is great for your mood, especially if you struggle with depression when winter rolls around.
2. Install a Programmable Thermostat
A programmable thermostat is a must-have for anyone who wants to make energy conservation easy. With a programmable thermostat, you can ensure that your heat and air conditioning are only turned on when you want them to be. You get to decide the temperature that triggers these systems to turn on in your house.
There are also lots of smart thermostat devices that you can control from your smartphone. This allows you to adjust the temperature of your house even when you’re not home.
3. Layer Up
During the winter, instead of cranking up the heat, why not pull out some extra blankets or put on a sweater instead? Layering up allows you to use less energy without spending months shivering and waiting for spring to arrive.
4. Use a Humidifier
The drier the air is in your house, the colder it will feel. When you boost humidity, it feels warmer, and you’re able to turn down the heater and save on energy. Set up a humidifier (or a few humidifiers) throughout your house to increase the moisture and make the winter season a little more tolerable.
5. Install Ceiling Fans
Ceiling fans are great energy-saving tools to use during the summer and the winter. That’s right, they can work to your advantage all year-round. They’re great saving heat energy examples to keep in mind.
During the summer, set your fans so they spin counterclockwise. This helps to push warm air up and away from you without you having to turn on the air conditioner.
During the winter, set them so they spin clockwise. This helps to circulate warm air throughout your home and allows you to lower the setting on your thermostat.
6. Check Your Ductwork
If you have leaky ductwork, your heating and cooling systems aren’t going to work in the most efficient way possible. If this is the case, you’re going to use more energy to maintain the temperature of your house, and your energy bills are going to skyrocket.
To avoid dealing with this situation, get your ductwork checked on a regular basis. If the technician notes any issues, get them addressed as soon as possible.
7. Seal Windows and Doorways
In addition to sealing up any leaks in your ductwork, it’s important to seal up leaks in your windows and doorways, too. If these don’t close all the way, air from outside is going to sneak in (and warm or cool air from inside will sneak out).
This is not an energy-efficient way for your house to operate. Take time to seal up all these cracks as soon as possible so you’re not paying to heat or air-condition anything other than your home.
8. Change Your Lightbulbs
A simple swap that can lead to big changes in your energy consumption is replacing your current lightbulbs with LED bulbs. LED bulbs are more energy-efficient and they last a lot longer than other bulbs. This saves you from having to replace them as often, and you avoid throwing used bulbs into landfills on a regular basis.
9. Replace Your Showerhead
If you’re worried about how much water your family uses on a day-to-day basis in addition to the conservation of energy, consider replacing your existing showerhead with a low-flow model. These showerheads can take some getting used to. Once you adjust, though, you’ll be glad you made the switch, as they can help you save a ton of water.
10. Replace Your Glass
If your house has old windows or glass front doors, consider upgrading the glass to a more energy-efficient style. Window replacements or glass door replacements can be a big upfront investment. They save you a lot of money later on, though, especially if you switch to a more energy-efficient style.
This change will help to prevent energy leaks. It will also keep your electricity and heating bills as low as possible all throughout the year.
Start Conserving Energy Today
As you can see, there are lots of steps you can take when figuring out how to conserve energy in your home. Remember, too, that you don’t have to change everything in one day. Start with one or two of the items listed above and, over time, continue making gradual changes.
Do you want to learn about other ways to conserve energy while also saving money? Do you want to take your new, green practices outside of the home and implement them in other areas of your life? If so, start by checking out this article on lowering your business’s electricity bill.