Computer and IT network issues happen.
Technology is… complicated. Computers can work perfectly one day and then perfectly wrong the next. I’m sure everyone has experienced some form of torment from a computer bug or mouse malfunction. Problems are normal, and honestly, there’s no shame in needing a little assistance here and there. Even when there are no computer problems or obvious disasters, IT support should still be a priority on your company checklist.
IT support comes in an array of forms and it’s important to consider all of the options when planning out your company’s future. First of all, let’s talk about what types of IT support exist. A company has the choice between creating their own IT department, hiring freelance IT support, or hiring outsourced IT support. What’s the difference?
Outsourced IT support balances knowledge, flexibility and cost.
While large companies with larger budgets can usually afford to make their own IT department, small to medium businesses don’t always have the same luxury. For example, in-house IT departments are made up of direct employees that usually work on a salary. Though IT department employees work a full-time schedule, it’s not always the best option for every company.
For one thing, full-time employees require paid time-off and benefits. And if the IT guy gets sick, who’s the back up? Not to mention, most times you won’t have big problems and IT employees will get bored. It may even be in their own self-interest to make problems so that they always seem relevant and necessary. Whether they sabotage or sit around doing nothing, either way, they won’t be learning the new skills required to keep your business up-to-date with the latest technology. In the end, you’ll have higher costs, for a lot of unwanted service and unexpected problems.
Freelance IT Support is more flexible than an in-house IT department and this may be the cheaper solution, overall, depending on how many hours you need. However, many freelance consultants charge a much higher hourly rate to offset their unpredictable workload. If there is a problem with the computer, a freelance IT can be called in to check out the system. But they may not be trustworthy, they won’t always be familiar with your software, and they won’t offer too many services. There’s just too much unpredictability and risk. Running a business is already a full time job and you don’t want to go through freelancers hoping that they’ll keep your data and technology safe.
Outsourced IT support combines the knowledge, experience, and manpower of a fully-staffed IT department, with the flexibility of freelance IT support to make an ideal tech support solution that any company can trust and rely on.
Here are the Top 5 Reasons
OnsiteIn60 has a proven track record of reliable outsourced IT support
So, whether you need several computers fixed or an entire crisis averted, outsourced IT support is the ideal solution. This is not to say that freelancers or IT departments are outdated, but can you really risk your business’ future on untrustworthy help? Going forward into the future, you’ll need the most experienced specialists and a custom plan that is best-fitted to your company. OnsiteIn60 makes each plan specifically suited to the needs of our clients. As a result, they can run their businesses with as little worry as possible, when it comes to tech issues and unnecessary costs. Be sure to check out our locations to find an OnsiteIn60 technician in your area!